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Drama I

  • For grades 9-12.

  • No pre-requisite or audition required.

  • Foundations of theatre and acting.

  • Theatre games, improv, scenework, Theatre history.

  • Fulfills the Visual and Performing Arts requirement for graduation and college prep.


Drama I (accelerated – not a formal designation)

  • For grades 9-12

  • Students enroll in Drama I and will be placed in a section for accelerated; it will not show on transcript as such)

  • Auditions are held in early May at ANHS.  Appointments can be arranged via email at  

  • Course designed for students interested in participating in upper level acting classes as well as productions and management of the Aliso Niguel Theatre Company.

  • Foundations of theatre and acting to prepare for involvement in ANTC.

  • Theatre games, improv, scenework, Theatre history.

  • Advanced level requirements in all areas.

  • Fulfills the Visual and Performing Arts requirement for graduation and college prep.


Advanced Drama

  • For grades 9-12.

  • Drama I pre-requisite.

  • Build upon techniques and principles learned in Drama I and applies them to scene work at a higher level.

  • Explores application of theatre history in performance styles.

  • May include a class production.


Actor’s Repertory

  • For grades 11-12.

  • Pre-requisite Advanced Drama and audition required.

  • Top level acting course.

  • Directing principles explored.

  • Auditioning concepts thoroughly explored.

  • Significant emphasis on production with two plays fully produced in repertory.  One or both productions to be student directed.



  • For grades 9-12.  No pre-requisite.

  • Explores all aspects of technical theatre.

  • Scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, stage management, theater management, props.

  • Hands-on work required.

  • Aliso Niguel Theatre Company productions built through this course.

  • Opportunities to work on ANTC crews.


Theatrical Production

  • For grades 10-12

  • Pre-requisite: Stagecraft and instructor approval.

  • Advanced level of Stagecraft.

  • Principles of theater design explored.

  • Students will learn basics of set design, costume design, lighting design and stage management.  Some exploration of sound, props and makeup.

  • Each student will choose one area of focus for further study.

  • Each student will be assigned a design position for the Actor’s Repertory shows, fully design and produce for that show in the assigned discipline.


Drama Musical Comedy

  • For grades 9-12.

  • 7th period (after school) class period

  • Credit for rehearsal and performance process of mainstage shows.

  • Enroll by cast audition or crew application only.  Auditions announced early in fall semester and before second semester.

  • Fall play or Spring musical.

  • 7th period (2:55-3:45) attendance required as well as other needed rehearsals throughout the play production process.  Rehearsals frequently last until 5pm and can go as late as 7pm.


Drama Musical Comedy PE

  • Physical education credit given for the dance requirements of the spring musical

  • Offered second semester ONLY.

  • For grades 9-12.

  • 7th period (after school) class period

  • Credit for rehearsal and performance process of mainstage shows.

  • Enroll by cast audition only.  Auditions announced before second semester for spring musical.

  • 7th period (2:55-3:45) attendance required as well as other needed rehearsals throughout the play production process.  Rehearsals frequently last until 5pm and can go as late as 7pm.


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